For a decade, Dr. Tranquility's Satori X PR LLC team has been a catalyst for amplifying individuals' messages, providing a platform that resonates with authenticity, her extensive media connections and followers.
Through strategic communication, we’ve empowered countless people to effectively convey their ideas!
Dr.Tranquility explains the miracle of Hypnotherapy on abc TV’s The View
Our clients enjoy a range of media as well as speaking opportunities. Terrestrial (radio) & Podcasts such as I Heart radio, Spotify Google & Apple , (internet radio & video) You Tube . Paid & unpaid speaking engagements, placement in great unique bookstores nationally & internationally, published articles in magazines.
Following Your Passion and Making Moves in Life & Career ✨Dating & Relationships
On Demand event coming soon✨
Date Therapy® & Dating & Relationship Anxiety Relief has arrived. A Mind-Body Protocol , (think of it as a Oxytocin cuddle/trust/connection) IV with a hint of Dopamine (pleasure center) .. an elixir for the mind & body connecting you with your true, ideal criteria for your partner. This is an inside out protocol, it’s quick, fun & interactive. A great date 💋ideal mate Healthy boundaries +heighten self+esteem =
Date Therapy
Check out this great video
This is a collab of powerful women from different areas of the globe., coming together to Combat Human Trafficking & Domestic Violence Together! All that we ask is that you donate $5-5k or more directly to the organization & charities (links provided) or One you are familiar with. These discussions are about spirituality,love life.
It’s here,on demad & Free!! Let’s do this!
Click the Power Women page on this site.
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