For a decade, Dr. Tranquility's Satori X PR LLC team has been a catalyst for amplifying individuals' messages, providing a platform that resonates with authenticity, her extensive media connections and followers.
Through strategic communication, we’ve empowered countless people to effectively convey their ideas!
Our clients enjoy a range of media as well as speaking opportunities. Terrestrial (radio) & Podcasts such as I Heart radio, Spotify Google & Apple , (internet radio & video) You Tube . Paid & unpaid speaking engagements, placement in great unique bookstores nationally & internationally, published articles in magazines.
Following Your Passion and Making Moves in Life & Career ✨Dating & Relationships
On Demand event coming soon✨
Date Therapy® & Dating & Relationship Anxiety Relief has arrived. A Mind-Body Protocol , (think of it as a Oxytocin cuddle/trust/connection) IV with a hint of Dopamine (pleasure center) .. an elixir for the mind & body connecting you with your true, ideal criteria for your partner. This is an inside out protocol, it’s quick, fun & interactive. A great date 💋ideal mate Healthy boundaries +heighten self+esteem =
Date Therapy
This is a collab of powerful women from different areas of the globe., coming together to Combat Human Trafficking & Domestic Violence Together! All that we ask is that you donate $5-5k or more directly to the organization & charities (links provided) or One you are familiar with. These discussions are about spirituality,love life.
It’s here,on demad & Free!! Let’s do this!
Click the Power Women page on this site.
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